Friday, September 19, 2008
MAMA MIA GALORE!!! woah that was a mad and frenzy night... WHAT A NIGHT!!! i could feel the heat once i stepped into the cinema. the groove was totally in me and i felt like dancing and singing with the music.. it was like sitting on a bullet train and travelling back into the ABBA age... taste of the mambo and retro days.
I have had not enough of it man... the songs were going on and on in my head and i just can't get it off..
ok.. i was just too high over MAMA MIA. some sugar perks in my boring and mundane life haha...
10:57 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
hazel is a lazy bugger. recently she just loss the motivation to work or study. what she does is to laze around at home watching shows online.
mid term test is coming and it is 6 weeks to finals... i seriously need to buck up and start working man...
9:48 PM

changed my phone to w910i. the previous phone's batt got short circuit man. my arm was experiencing numbness after using that phone haha.
got the photos from xin long ago... i think the soft toys are really cute!!!
9:48 PM
Thursday, September 04, 2008
hazel is desperate.. she is stuck in the tutorial room nwo and she is unable to excuse herself for the washroom!!!!!!! her bladder feels like bursting now ah!!!!!!nowadays school is becoming so routine that she dreads it seriously. everything is so expected that nothing is out of the ordinary now... goes to school, turn up for lessons and goes home and rot. the only thing to look forward to is saturday skating and the weather has been such a spoil sport lately.......
4:42 PM