Friday, February 29, 2008
okay my extended livelihood for my zen finally broke down on me like ouch....somehow all my electronic devices in my house are giving way... hmmm strange haha:) bought an ipod nano for 199... 4GB somemore. so i guess i got a good bargain lol...
somehow this week passes real fast and before i know school is starting soon. thank god i finished my tutorials like one week ago. feels strange to have nothing to do. staring at econs really bores me to the max....
hazel loves speaking to people. somehow it makes me feel closer to the person and also get to know the person better. furthermore, it is better when we have the common topic so we can share our views. hope i have more chance to talk to people like that
10:12 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
kept having weird dreams lately.... esp when i am still in band and those people whom i haven been in contact with for very long. mainly the secondary school days. wonder what they meant hmmm
impending stress.... it is mid term break but somehow not really a break man.... spent my day at home studying econs.... lol i seriously hate it. been studying for days but somehow just can't seem to get some of the concepts in mind argh.....
i hate projects...... esp when i have i 4 projs in hands now..... man i need time....i can forsee that we will have very little time for one another..... oh well, no choice man....
shi sei zai qiao da wo xin:O
7:13 PM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
went for 2t38's class gathering.... everything feels different now. is it cos we are no longer in the same class? somehow i find it weird talking to all of them now.... just can't bring myself to talk to them.... why like that!!
7:57 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008

yea..... it is valentine's day today and this is the first valentine's day with him.... sadly he has paper tomorrow so we can't go out... going out tomorrow instead:) but i am still elated cos he surprised me by coming my house this morning with a bottle of self-baked cookies and a bouquet of flowers haha.... frankly speaking, his cookies are alot better than those i made:( oops... and he is a guy! a bit weird for a guy to bake cookies for the girl.... but it is weird for a girl to give the guy flower we are just weird la huh....
well i guess it doesn't really matter to me that much cos there are other ways to express your feelings to your loved ones.... everyday and any day can be valentine's day lol
got a orange daisy for myself though.... act i meant for friends but somehow i have one more extra so i kept it for myself instead...;0
8:39 PM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
okay went over xin's house to bake cookies for ming yi and lester.... whee this is my first time baking and i hope it will turn out well.... it was a weird recipe cos this is the first time i see a cookie recipe without sugar....:) the maple syrup smells damn good.... i still have no idea what is the purpose of corn flour.... seems like it is not a ingredient for cookies..... oh well... it was quite fun baking with xin though.... i hope ming yi and lester will not get stomachache after eating it....
xin's bro called us out to buy supper tgt when we were baking halfway haha... had prawn noodles... shit fattening.... played wii with her bro after that.... new game... pirated naruto though..... it is really amazing to see what the characters can do in the game..... haha... slept at like around 2... i am super tired la...
woke up the next morning to bake again... somehow the taste wasn't as good as the first batch we baked the previous night.... beginner's luck i guess.... skipped econs lect.... hazel's gonna die.....
5:27 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008
man i had the most scariest lunch of my whole life today.... went over his house and it was so weird.... first i didn't really dare to step into his house...... then he pulled me in.... his dad is a man of few words.... now i know why he is like that also.... then his dad started asking me to eat the new year tibits.... but i was like really too pai seh.... then after awhile.... he took out the camera then started taking photos of both of us.... argh.... somehow his family treated me like one of them so i felt so weird haha... probably i am just not use to it lol:)
4:03 PM
Friday, February 08, 2008
whee.... happy chinese new year everyone!!! okay.... tiring but fun... fun cos collecting of ang baos.... and seeing relatives whom i only see them once a year.... but my mum's side ones are closer cos always meet up so lots of things to chat about........
ate super lot of food..... practically all junk argh die... fattening....
fell sick just on new year eve.... sore throat and stomach flu.... thank god is now okay:0
he is coming over tomorrow for lunch.... don't know what will happen... and i am going over to his house on sun... wo bu yao.... nervous!!!
6:07 PM
Friday, February 01, 2008
happy belated birthday to myself haha.... many thanks to those that remembered i appreciated it:)
this year was abit different... in fact special and very memorable....... all the stuff and effort he put in for me makes me feel like i don't really deserve it... but oh well it really feels good to be appreciated isn't it:)
somehow, it doesn't feel the same. despite being an special occassion for me i still prefer celebrating with the same old bunch of ppl as well. ppl like my beloved 2t38s.....
am i asking for too much:(
hazel.... be contented!!!
11:30 AM