Friday, September 28, 2007
yea.... finally i get down to blog something.... reccess week is almost over and i haven really get down to do anything... hopefully the few days of "studying" is fruitful... damn i hate this reccess week... cos is like perpetually no break. i simply refuse to believe that exams are like round the corner... everything is like happening so damn fast that i haven even got time to recollect the things that happen lately. when i was in jc, i thought that the pace is fast enough but only after i came nus then i realise what a real bullet train is like... argh so irritating.
i loathe the thought of going through 3 weeks without skating..... damn... this is the only time i guess i miss getting blisters on my feet..... i want skating!!!!!!!!!!!!
i might be going to us next year during the summer break... whee. saw the work and travel usa and i hope i can get through the interviews. i don't want to live my life in regrets again... especially after the experience of not going to FOC....
went out with nich and met up with xin for dinner and to buy the clinique stuff.... gosh... seems like we are both obsess with clinique products lately.... no money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:26 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
i am gliding on ice!!! but i have to say that i am not good at it cos according to xin i have a very odd pose haha nevertheless, i had a head start with it.
man i am suffocating really.... ever since i start school i have this strong unhappiness and grievance in my heart. i don't know what's wrong with me..... cos to me now everything seems wrong and i don't know what i am so unhappy about. every little thing can irritate me.... i lose the happiness i used to have in cj... i am losing myself to something which i have no idea argh..... can someone tell me what's wrong!!!!!!!!!!
8:06 PM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
so i finally joined skating as a cca and the best thing is i can't skate for nuts.... lol never mind there's always a start for everything.... as the training session is like twice a week... i am still think whether or not to join floorball cos i believe the training will be quite intensive....hmmm.... maybe i should just take xin's advice not to join afterall i am not the only one for not joining and i don't really need the points....
went for the first skating session yesterday at ECP.... xin and i went there early to teach me how to skate. man i was freaked out even before i started learning to skate. a man helped me out of the rental area down the slope. i felt like riding a roller coaster!!!! argh so scary. after which she held on to me and we went on the track. i got so frustrated over myself cos i just can't seem to control my legs.... argh.... fell a few times on my butt and i swear i am going to get blue blacks all over my ass.... but towards the end of the day... i could at least gilde for certain times while losing my balance occasionally when i lose concentration... hope the next training is better....
i feltso bad the whole day cos i just kept grabbing on to xin until she turned into a cooked lobster at the end of the day.... i think i should bring so ointment for her the next session haha.... how i wish blading is just like cycling lah... so much easier.... nevertheless, skating and blading is fun....
12:48 PM
Monday, September 03, 2007

this is the little naughty kitten of mine. a rather unique shot. this explains why my dad's fishes always go missing...:)
7:51 PM
new found talent: badminton... lol played badminton with nicole, stephanie and hui ying today.... i realised i have not lose my skills despite not playing for more then one year.... i guess this is the only sport that in enjoy playing.... after badminton we met up with rebecca, khiaru and henry for lunch at the deck. seriously i think the food there sucks but i don't know why people always say it is good. i still think my techno edge food is the best.... even the frontier's one taste normal for me... bought structure and fabric for 8.90. i guess this is the only text that cost less than 10 bucks. man feel super broke now. with tutorials piling up, th schedule is getting more and more hectic.... well at least i get to do sth... still wondering what cca to join other than my de club... why is the skating ppl not giving me any replies argh.... or maybe me and xin can join badminton instead...:)
7:43 PM