went over to venture era with my parents on sun.... hmmm i can say that the company i not too bad at least the first impression... lol. my dad signed the consent form but i am still contemplating whether or not to sign the agreement form.... i am still unsure whether i am willing to commit my time in doing sales... bleah someone please enlighten me!!!!!!!!!!!! went for steamboat at my aunt's house after that.... hmmm i can say i didn't do much there cos i was too tired....
oh spotted 2 new korean restaurants at bukit timah plaza on sat.... quite cheap.... maybe i shall try it soon.... looks pretty good. one of it is being run by koreans..... damn cool sia!!!!!!
11:01 AM
went to school for my early lecture solely bleah.... damn dumb lah.... stoned iin the lecture hall for like one an a half hour..... met up with ying xi for brunch after the lecture.... it has been like one and a half years ever since i last saw her.....man nearly couldn't recognise her.... not that her looks changed but is more of her long hair now.... i always remember her having super short hair.... went to the prata shop beside fong seng.... frankly speaking i don't find the food there really nice... i think it is quite normal... it is just a place where nus ppl always hang out. chatted for quite long when i finally say good bye to her... went to MOE. caught up with wil-kie, ivan and loo kang... had a nice "lunch" time with them.... okay they were having their lunch while i just drink my fruit juice... somehow i missed my days in MOE... or maybe i just missed the ppl there....
7:27 PM
the long journey to school allows me to reflect and ponder over lots of stuff of life.... i suddenly realised that life itself is such a miracle... esp when i observed ppl ard me.... somehow, somewhere, one can't help to not believe that there is a god out there watching over you every single second of your life. rendering his endless and merciful love and kindness.... sharing the joys and happiness of your life and carrying you through the obstacles. looking back, i realised life has never been fair to me. but neither has it been unfair. what i had encountered be it good or bad are just God's will and trainings. one learns from mistakes and from challengers one matures physically and mentally.... i guess that's what He wants us to pick up from. deep in my heart i praise the Lord countless time for leading me to CJ where i spent the most fruitful years in my 19 years of living....
9:27 PM
alright finally i am getting down to do some blogging.... i reckoned this will be a long long post....
xiu xiu's wedding on sun. i was actually quite proud of myself as i was able to wake up early in the morning to take part in the wedding when it was rag the day before. i think it is the teochew's tradition to hold weddings super early in the mornings.... the whole process was quite touching and a very good opprotunity for all of us to meet up with all the family members as my uncles and aunts whom i never seen for years act travel back to singapore from the US, Canada and Japan to attend the wedding.... I was joking with my parents and my cousins that our family in just like a mini united nation cos i have a fillipino aunt, and cousin tay bing gor gor's wife is a japanese, i have a canadian and a american aunt. i think that is why i don't have the features of a typical chinese after the mix and fusion of differnt cultures and blood..... took some shots of the wedding dinner and my little cousins and nephews:)

alright, these are some of the snapsots i took with han, my beloved cousin in the toilet of the hotel lol....

this is my cousin tay bing gor gor... he is the one who married a japanese and he is currently staying and working in the US cool right... oops i have no time to photoshop the photos, so some will really look very weird and unrotated....
the two little boys are tay bing gor gor's son..... i swear they look like japanese even though tay bing gor gor is a singaporean chinese. i guess they inherited more of their mum's genes.... it is damn cool as they have dyed brown hair at such a young names. they also have very cool names like 乱龙 and the other one i can't remember what his name is oops.... they are so cute!!!!!!!!!!

the little pretty girls in the pictures are little cousins of mine.... they are meek shy little girls at first but when they get to know you better you will find that they are really wonderful kids.... innocent, playful and cute. i guess one is always happier when they are young....their dad is my uncle and their mum is a canadian. they are currently staying in Canada and they act flew all the way here to attend the wedding. i think these girls will grow up into pretty ladies. i always think that people with mixed blood always look prettier and more unique:)
i swear i am gonna miss all of them and i most probably never going to meet them after many years later..... by the time they most probably will forget who i am:(
reached home damn late aft the wedding... had my first lecture at like 8 am the next day argh. almost died..... i struggled to keep myself awake the entire time... it was really a bad day for me.....
met up with xin for lunch on tue before our genes and soc lect..... i kept asking mtself why is the lecture hall located in such a awkward place. i felt as if i was walking into some hole and the mext moment i saw a miracle. it is situated in a isolated place, a lonely building up oh a hill.... so me and xin ahd to climbed up the stupid hill before we reached the hall....
scrambbling around the place these few days looking for textbooks... burnt a super big hole in my pocket.... finally fell sick on thur and i only have myself to blame seriously.... the sore throat was the aftermath of rag on sat and the chocs, cookies and spicy stuff that i ate. the flu was cos of my laziness for mot bringing jacket to school bleah.....
met up with xin for lunch again today and damn it was raining cats and dogs when i got out of home..... i kept scolding myslef for not bringing an umbrella and jacket..... thank god the rain ceases when i reached school.... however, it started to rain again when me and xin was eating at techno edge...evil nick refused to lend me his jacket so i was freezing my ass off in the LT... this time round i refuse to climbed up the stupid hill cos it was raining and there's no shelter.... i insisted that there must be a sheltered route that leads to the LT... we found the route but it was really retarded cos we had to go up and down the lift and cutting through funny places.... i guess we should just climbed up that retarded hill in the future....
"follow the yellow ceiling and you will not get lose" i think this sentence is damn cool. i think that's why the ceiling of nus is painted yellow... and true enough it leads to every part of the campus but just a longer route lol....:)
7:43 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
reached padang at like 2.40 which was already quite late.... cos i was suppose to meet the rest in school at 1.... i realised that i couldn't make it to sde at 1 cos at 12.50 i was still at my cousin's house preparing for her wedding tomorrow.... so decided to meet hem at city hall instead. gave up the ticket Sydney gave me cos i noticed the atmosphere at the ground was really more hyper and i will really make this event more happening and worthwhile....
oh another thing to celebrate... i got my genes and society.... after changing my bid to the second lecture.... cos a joker bidded 251 when i only have 250 points.... argh irritating...
presentation was yesterday and it went fine... i guess cos it is only our first project and not an official one too....
school starts officially next mon... kinda looking forward to it. probably cos i haven't been stepping into a lecture hall for a lecture for the past 8 months....
9:08 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
the bidding system is really sucky....didn't get my maths mod which means i will have to bid again tomorrow. and this also means that i will be left with nth interesting to bid for.... why do we have ppl out there who really spoil market one argh....
oh well, at least i am luckier than xin cos i only need to bid for one gem mod and she needs two. sadly se got none of what she bidded... why are we always so alike bleah
oh signed up de club with shiying and the rest yesterday. hope i am ready to commit when the time comes. sadly, this irritating bitch is also in de club. hope this does not deters me from going for my cca.
11:47 AM
went to sch on that day... mainly project discussion. boring..... sadly the discussion got quite heated up and i was so pissed that i decided to keep quiet. act it is also for me to cool down myself. yu hui and jessica was quite pissed during the argument and everyone could sense the tension... i diverted myself from the discussion and started to msn with wil-kie and azhar. after 15 mins, i diverted myself back to do the report amendments.... the project dicussion lasted for quite long and we went back at like 6 not very late but cos we started at like 3 plus after Dean's tea. went home for dinner and got myself a new wallet so all the more i am broke now argh....
is rebecca's bdae today. national baby i should say. passed her a present yesterday and i hope she likes it. cariann msged me yesterday telling me how much she love her present and the chocs which makes me very happy.... at least i did one more thing good that made ppl happy!!!!!!!
11:33 AM
went for FIC yesterday..... Man had to wear formal attire and NUS was damn warm... so i was perspiring profusely.... reached sch at like 8.20 and yes i was late. but the thing started at 10 and i was at the cultural centre at like 8.30.... so i stood there for like more than 30 mins before i got in... was super tired.. i had to confess that i slept through almost the hold thing accept when we had to rise to welcome the leaders and head masters... "As the unknown unknows get known..." this whole verse made me blur... i sounded like some 绕口令 to me lah... so philosophical. didn't bother to figure out in depth lol... went back to sleep until rebecca woke me up to go toilet....
met up with xin as no one told me what we had to do after FIC. I am officially broke now. Went bodyshop, pool and dinner with her.... seriously we suck at breaking. the journey from jurong point back to my home was an agony.... how i wished i could just stay over at xin's house as i have flag the next day.....
had flag today... damn tiring. went to town initially but business was realy damn bad cos town was perpectually flooded with NUS ppl.... changed to toa pa yoh instead... met some kind souls there who put $10 notes into my tin... and early in the morning i embarrass myself lah damn it...as usual i do stupid things but this time round is really damn stupid. i was holding my tin upside down and i started to wonder why i had a lid and my friends have a small opening for ppl to insert the coins. so i thought that the tin is sealed and i have to lift the lid to reveal the opening... so i happily lifted the lid like opening a can food!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i realised that it was the underside of the tin!!!!!!!!!!!! my friends were like what are you doing.... i showed my tin to my ogls cos i have to declare it as the tin couldn't be use already and they all laughed like mad... i think it was a joke of the century. Furthermore, they actually video cammed down my tin and "interviewed" me why i lifted the lid.... i had no choice but to tell them in front of the cam that i was too hungry so i lifted the lid hoping that i will find tunas or sardines inside!!!!!!!!!!!! okay it's really super lame. pray that they won't air it if not i will just die lah!!!!!!!!!!!
after tao pa yoh we went Chinatown... saw kym ng and chen li ping there shooting the HDB tai tai..... kym ng is so pretty... wanted to approach them for donations but decided not to interrupt them.....chinatown is not very fruitful too so we headed back for school to hand in our tin and yes to sign my report for opening the lid of the tin bleah... did project after that and HOME Sweet HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: xin rmb to ask me for the money.....
10:11 PM
went for FIC yesterday..... Man had to wear formal attire and NUS was damn warm... so i was perspiring profusely.... reached sch at like 8.20 and yes i was late. but the thing started at 10 and i was at the cultural centre at like 8.30.... so i stood there for like more than 30 mins before i got in... was super tired.. i had to confess that i slept through almost the hold thing accept when we had to rise to welcome the leaders and head masters... "As the unknown unknows get known..." this whole verse made me blur... i sounded like some 绕口令 to me lah... so philosophical. didn't bother to figure out in depth lol... went back to sleep until rebecca woke me up to go toilet....
met up with xin as no one told me what we had to do after FIC. I am officially broke now. Went bodyshop, pool and dinner with her.... seriously we suck at breaking. the journey from jurong point back to my home was an agony.... how i wished i could just stay over at xin's house as i have flag the next day.....
had flag today... damn tiring. went to town initially but business was realy damn bad cos town was perpectually flooded with NUS ppl.... changed to toa pa yoh instead... met some kind souls there who put $10 notes into my tin... and early in the morning i embarrass myself lah damn it...as usual i do stupid things but this time round is really damn stupid. i was holding my tin upside down and i started to wonder why i had a lid and my friends have a small opening for ppl to insert the coins. so i thought that the tin is sealed and i have to lift the lid to reveal the opening... so i happily lifted the lid like opening a can food!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i realised that it was the underside of the tin!!!!!!!!!!!! my friends were like what are you doing.... i showed my tin to my ogls cos i have to declare it as the tin couldn't be use already and they all laughed like mad... i think it was a joke of the century. Furthermore, they actually video cammed down my tin and "interviewed" me why i lifted the lid.... i had no choice but to tell them in front of the cam that i was too hungry so i lifted the lid hoping that i will find tunas or sardines inside!!!!!!!!!!!! okay it's really super lame. pray that they won't air it if not i will just die lah!!!!!!!!!!!
after tao pa yoh we went Chinatown... saw kym ng and chen li ping there shooting the HDB tai tai..... kym ng is so pretty... wanted to approach them for donations but decided not to interrupt them.....chinatown is not very fruitful too so we headed back for school to hand in our tin and yes to sign my report for opening the lid of the tin bleah... did project after that and HOME Sweet HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: xin rmb to ask me for the money.....
10:11 PM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
got matriculated on wed..... everything was so rush and messy. i felt as if a tornado swept passed me and left me there standing with all the debris around me.... i guessed cos we got matriculated too late cos there was quite a long queue at MPH. i felt as if i was in a polyclinic waiting for my turn. when i finally got matriculated, went to meet rebecca to buy our laptops. waited for quite long to pay and setup the laptops... when we were like finnaly done with the stuff that we have to do, there was this sudden downpour. man it was peak hour and it was so hard to get a cab.... so me and rebecca decided to take 151 home... lugged the laptops back and it was so damn heavy i wonder why.... the journey was freaking long... we left nus when the rain was super heavy and when we reached hougang station, the ground was dried and the sky had already darkened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my wireless drove me mad for a few days cos strange things were happening. i shall not dwell on that cos now it is fine. but i still can't seem to add one more language in my control panel which is strange... oh well gotten my mods yesterday so i have to really get down to do some planning today:(
was xuan's birthday yesterday so met up with him, morris and nick to celebrate with xuan.... took a few photos. shall upload it when i get them from xun...
ate the cake at macs and after which we headed for nick's house to get socks.... Tasha is so cute but cos of my phobia for dogs... i didn't really play with her.... after awhile we went for bowling at yishun safra... i admit i really suck at it cos it was like my first time playing it after 4 years.... so my score for the first 3 bowls in the first round was like zero times of all of them!!!!!!!!!!!! and they kept making fun of me about that... my final score was like 28 which was really horrible... all thanks to nick... he decied to play competitive for the second round damn it just to bully me.... but nevertheless i managed to find back my usual standard so they were really shocked when i Spared a few times. their facial expressions were really funny lol. probably cos it was competitive, everyone played very well suddenly so our scores were like very tight and competition was tense which made the game very fun.... should play more of such games with them...
after the game we went northpoint to get my router..... bought bubbletea along the way. it was a mistake to choose choclate milk tea cos it tasted really weird. i think the one at my house is seriously still the best.....
10:58 AM