last day of work today and i will embrace a brand new start tomorrow.... i just realised i won't lee seeing lee wei today as she is on leave.... so i won't get to say goodbye to her. prob this is better cos it is really quite hard to say goodbye.... to wil kie is even worse cos i am going for a movie tonight with him.... and since he is my boss i am closer to him as compared to lee wei and ivan... these feel days i have been picturing myself walking out of the office with a heavy heart but i am already feeling quite sad now. but i am really glad that at one point of my life, i get to meet such nice people... cos they really make a big part of my long and dreadful holiday. oh well, no matter what this day has to come and everyone has to move one right. 千里搭帐篷,天下无不散宴席。
8:04 AM
hmmm... now i shall really do my reflection, what's my greatest and saddest moments in my past 19 years....
oh well, frankly speaking i didn't achieve much during my childhood days, i just spent most of my times in front of the piano. i guess the greatest moments were playing the stupid piano in Raffles City and achieving grade 8 when i was like Pri 5... i guess when you were young you tend to enjoy what you do more than when you are older cos at that time you were still to young to understand many things.... and that was the times when i really enjoy myself playing the piano and learning music though the process is kinda tormenting.
Spent my entire sec and jc life in band.... it was sec 3 when i achieved my first SYF award and i burst into tears due to happiness when the result was being announced. although it was just a silver, i fell really proud as in knew my efforts paid off. I got my second SYF award when i was in j2 and i got gold.... i was happy but the feeling wasnt the same as what i felt in sec3... prob cos it was the second SYF, or cos the gold was kinda expected.... no matter what it was one of the greatest moments in my life...
My life in CJ is the most memorable!!!!!!! Great friends and fond memories. thanks to my beloved 2T38 who gave me support along the way and i really hope that we can once again win the best homeclass of the year.... I missed the times when we had random gatherings in town after school and the fun we had in sentosa and east coast... kinda regretted not taking more photos as they really bring back memories...
Oh not forgetting the banders... you all are really a great group of ppl.... esp my flute section, weemin, sara and wen seng etc...
that's basically my greatest moments esp those in CJ!!!!!!!!!!!
my saddest moments was when my grandma past away when i was pri 3.... she died when i was in school and i didn't get to bid the last good bye.... till today, i mourn and miss her dearly... my maternal grandpa past away last year and that was my second blow.... the two weeks in hospital was really tormenting and i spent most of my time in the hospital.... the sight of him struggling to breathe properly breaks my heart.... when he finally passed away all i could do was to whisper into his ears and told him to be happy.... maybe i am just being paranoid... i wake up every morning now fearing that i am going to lose my maternal grandma anytime... but i deep in my heart i know i have to face the blow eventually
10:15 AM

got hooked on this korea show now.... is call summer beach. i like it alot cos they have nice songs, nice beaches and most importantly CUTE GUYS.... okay maybe i should also say goo looking.... like the guy in white esp when he smiles.... really charming....
2:36 PM
came across the recommendations about this book on a magz today.... it kinda perked me up abit after my long, draggy piano lesson. As i am a fan of his Kite Runner, i am so definitely going to get his book... but probably i will wait thill the paperback is out!!!!!!!!!!
Once again, it is set against the volatile events of Afghanistan’s last thirty years—from the Soviet invasion to the reign of the Taliban to the post-Taliban rebuilding. It is a tale of two generations of characters brought jarringly together by the tragic sweep of war, where personal lives—the struggle to survive, raise a family, find happiness. I noticed nowadays i am always hooking on such heart-wrenching books and i will cry everytime i read them. Strange isn't it? Till now, I still can't get over the infamous phrase in kite Runner, for you a thousand times over...
Alright, books aside. Hazel's bicycle got stolen!!!!! argh... i just don't understand why these prople out there love to steal such a thrash like that. basically, the tyres are punctured and there's holes in it all thanks to my two beloved cats, the brakes are faulty so i will probably fall to my death if i cycle on it and the whole bike is like rusty and old esp the chains. Conclusion is, it doesn't worth a single cent now. I refuse to throw it away cos it was a gift from rebecca many years ago... darn, i am very sorry rebecca.... then and again, this makes me realise how unsafe my neighbourhood is. incidents of bicycles, shoes, slippers and potted plants being stolen are not new. But come to think of it, it is also because we are not that civic conscious enough to keep a look out for one another. the thief is so daring that he or she could actually take anything without anyone noticing in bright day light. Moreover, my neighbours were all at home with their doors wide opened.
Oh well, what can i say. it is typical of our society nowadays.... distance and coldness.
2:06 PM
chatted with wilkie on the train on fri.... he was telling me that his 8 years bond is ending son so he is furthering his studies after that.... prob taking up New Media which is something totally tell and quite diversify... so he may not be back in the education industry next time.... i asked him why and he said that there are points in life where you will want to try out something new and different... come to think of it, i realised that was how i felt when i decided to forsake my 10 years of science education and take up real estate. who knows maybe 10 or 20 years down the road i will want to try out something new again.... and by then it will be my mid carrer change.....
went to visit corn with mich today... stupid shit on clutches..... didn't do much at his house today cos the entire time i felt damn weird..... now i understand why mich kept telling me that she feels weird.... there was a plate of fried sinful food on corn's table and i was stupid enough to take the jackfruit seed and put it into my mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! played scrabble with corn and mich after that and mish the scrbble queen owned like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! went home after that
goin buffet tomorrow man!!!!!!!!!!! i realised i put on 0.1kg in like less than a month... got to go on diet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:04 PM
11:45 AM
i was on the train yesterday when i saw this guy... he was reading some bio materials about cancer and it looked quite interesting. guess he is a medicine student as he alighted at the same stop as me. reminds me of the years of studying bio... painful yet memorable....
it makes me wonder why i decided to gave up my ten years knowledge of science for something which is entirely new to me. esp bio.... isn't it my passion and favourite? all these while i forsee myself working in a lab but now everything seems so far away... oh well, i should be prepared by now isn't it... in fact, from the moment i chose real estate there's no turning back.....
8:04 AM
okay... now time to blog..... argh.... went for QET that day. it was really horrible. 7 mths of not writing an essay and suddenly when one is being placed in front of you.... your mind will sure to go blank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was abt organ transplant and i know nuts about it. i was practically smoking my way through and i really hope my reader will not choke to death.
wil-kie hasn't come back yet and i am done with all the stuff .... damn... am i really that efficient!!!!!!!!! i should have told him to leave the video cam in the drawer for me to edit the videos instead that time..... at the end of the day i had to call uncle wee to dump me more photos instead..... gosh this is really getting very monotonous...
went for pool with syed and his gang during lunch nowadays.... so i can say that i know more about the game now. at least i can score more than my previous games i played.....
found another lunch partner.... went to 1 north for lunch on wed with Azhar.... didn't expect the food to be free.... so i was so happy.... dropped my pass at the cafe. got a shocked of my life. thanks god i actually found it....
met up with cari for lunch on fri..... stupid gal forever cope herself in her pig style. guys we should grab her out more often!!!!!!!!!!
ending work really soon. i guess i have many things to take away with me- the memories, friendships, experiences, IT techniques etc. sometimes when i look back, i think i am really fortunate to know mr ng esp at my lowest point of my life. this is why i always feel that i need to thank him for all the opportunities he gave me. he groomed me to be what i am today hence, i think this is also why i felt the pinched when he was at his lowest point of his life too.
talked to ernest abt the NUS mod and did some clarifications.... quite a nice person to talk to. i shall try to blog abt the qns he posed me someday...... lol hazel is feeling lazy today:)
what's the greatest and saddest moments int he past 19 years of you life..... what an interesting question to ponder over
3:04 PM
had a very bad stomach today... dragged myself to work and according to my colleague i was hunching most of the time....damn it. finally i survived the ordeal and got home, i left my stupid phone in the office an d i was so worried that i might lose it. therfore i rushed back to office and found it on the table....
took a cab home cos i had some reactions going on in my stomach. man it cost me 16 bucks cos of the peak hour and ERP..... i am left with like 2 bucks in my wallet.... shit broke now
division meting tomorrow and i don't have to be there. got off from wil kie and i am finally going back cj to collect my a lvl cert... hope bro paul wouldn't kill me.... bleah
6:47 PM

decided to upload some pics of totoro!!!!!!!!!! it is so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol, i think i am just plain crazy:)
1:18 PM
the office is exceptionally quiet today. silence freaks me out. it seems like there is somthing out there lurking and gettring ready to attack when the time is ripe.... okay too much of deathproof...
went out with xuan and nick yesterday... stupid nick made me walk all the way from PS to Cathay with my twisted ankle. not that it is far... but with my twisted ankle i had problems walking fast and that was my first time walking to cathay. with my good sense of direction i completely had no idea where i was heading. thank god my dad drove past cathay a few times before and i kinda know the location. if not i am sure to lose my way.... nick and xuan was late as usual, what's new. but this time round was cos nick was slow. when xuan reached nick's house he was just bathing. damn it and nick told me that he will be there early. at the end of the day, i was early. had shi lin at cathay. that's the worse shi lin i ever had. xuan and nick managed to smuggle in the drink and XXL chicken.
watched death proof. i totally have no idea what is it about. there's no meaning into it. just violence, blood and brutal killings. 5 minutes after the starting of the show i told xuan that i loss count on the number of F words and vulgarities they used. the scenes were kinda gruesome though not as bad as saw. but still it is not suitable for those faint hearted people. halfway through the movie xuan told me he wanted to leave and he would wait outside for us. but i managed to convince himn to stay.
after the whole movie, i was kinda paraniod travelling on xuan's car. not because of his driving, but is more of being afraid that a maniac will come out from no where out of the sudden and bump into our car and run over our bodies.....
okay whatever.... had enough of violence. getting down to some serious work now!!!!!!!!!
9:20 AM
kkk at last i did somethng to my blog. i am rotting at home today due to my twisted ankle... so i am free yes.... oops digressing:)
anyway this wasn't supposed to be the skin that i wanted but somehow i had problems witht he script so i had to discard it and take this skin instead bleah
nick called this afternnon. so i am going for a movie with him and xuan tomorrow. as i recalled, it seemed like eons ever since i stepped into the cinema. oh well, that's cos i never had any motivation to do anything nowadays. if not for zhi xuan and morris coming back for vacation, i don't think i will be stepping into cinemas anytime soon...
I just realised recently, i haven't collect my a levels cert.... oops bro paul's gonna kill me man.... haiz... gonna go back cj to collect it one day. so mafan!!!!!!!!! can't they just mail it to us:(
4:12 PM